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Axe Throwing Safety Rules
Be Sure To Come Prepared!
All players/participants must read and sign the waiver. Closed-toed shoes are also required.
DO NOT TRY TO CATCH AN AXE! If an axe bounces back from a target, quickly step backward and to the side in your lane. DO NOT point or gesture with the axe, ANY MISHANDLING OF AN AXE OR HORSEPLAY WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AND WILL RESULT IN YOUR REMOVAL FROM THE ACTIVITY!
There is only one person in a lane at any time. Do not enter a lane until it is completely cleared. When entering a lane step directly into your lane, do not wander into another players area. If you are not throwing, you must remain behind the lane area at all times.
Only one axe is thrown at a time in each lane. Whether it sticks or not, retrieve the axe that is thrown before starting another turn.
Do not remove an Axe from the throwing area. All axes must remain in the fenced area at all times.
Do not touch or grab the fence, either in the spectator area, or especially when picking up an axe off the ground.
Handing off an axe might take your hand off! Do not hand another player an axe. When done throwing, replace your axe in the holding area and exit the area. The next player can then select their own axe when entering.
We have designated areas for food and drinks. Please use them accordingly. No food or drink in the lanes. If you appear to be intoxicated the game will end.
Please let us know if you need a board replaced, or if you notice any damage to an axe. We want you to have the best experience possible, and want to provide the equipment and environment to do so.
Please let us know if there is anything we can do to improve your experience, and also leave us a positive review online!